These are just a few of my thoughts. I am by no means an experienced blogger and I'm still trying to figure all of this out, but I hope you enjoy :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Your Heart is Worth It. . .

Samson and Delilah.  Oh boy.  Where do I even begin?  I have never been particularly drawn to this story in the Bible because it never felt applicable to my life.  However, Judges 16 came up in my Bible reading plan and it hit home harder than I ever imagined.  These are just a few thoughts I pulled from it. . .

Was Samson an absolute idiot?!  What was it about Delilah that enamored him to the point of not even seeing what was going on around him?  Delilah asked Samson 3 different times what made him weak, and each time she used the information he gave her to try to have him captured.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she's using him.  But he finally gets tired of standing up to her and tells her the entire truth - because of course she wouldn't use it against him for the fourth time.  We all know how that turned out for him.  

So Samson's real weakness was his lust for Delilah.  This is what I got the most out of - and no I'm not saying I'm struggling with lust (though I think we all do from time to time).  My problem is that I am a people pleaser and I always want to make everyone around me happy.  So sometimes - okay, most of the time - I tune out the warning signs going on around me, put how other people feel before my own feelings, do what makes them happy, and then get burned in the process.  This is exactly what happened with Samson.  He had 3 huge warning signs that something was wrong, but he tuned them out to make someone else happy.

I feel like this is a huge problem for all people, but sometimes it hits girls a little bit harder.  For the past several months, God has been showing me (and I have been telling myself over and over) that it is ok and a very good thing for me to protect myself emotionally.  The Bible tells us to protect our hearts for a reason - because God cares for them, what happens to you, and the condition of your heart is directly proportional with your spiritual walk and the fruit being produced in your life.  It's ok to be careful with your heart and who you trust with it and your emotions - that's what you should do!  Don't put your feelings on the back burner because you want to please the people around you - whether it be a significant other, a group of friends, or even family members.  If there are warning signs, don't be like Samson and ignore them.  Because you can do as much as you want for the people around you, but reality is that those people are human, and eventually you will get let down and have your heart broken, even though it may not be on purpose.

So guard your heart.  Listen to what God is trying to tell you.  Listen to the warning signs.  But listen closely:  Don't shut your heart or your feelings completely off from the world, that's not what we are called to do.  We are called to love and that means we have to use our hearts, but I don't think we should recklessly throw our hearts to let everyone/everything break them.  Your heart and your feelings are precious to God and I don't think He wants you to throw them around as worthless.

"Above all else, guard your heart,
For it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

This post may not mean much to anyone else, but anyone who knows me will probably tell you that this post is speaking directly to/about me.  Please, please, please, be careful with your heart and your emotions.  Don't let this world or anything in it rob you of the joy that God intends for you to be blessed with.  
You are worth it.  Your heart is worth being careful with. You are valuable.  And you are something to be cherished.  So act like it.

P.S. If you are the Delilah in this story, check your motivation behind your actions.  We are children of the High King and he looks out for his children.  And I'm praying for you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Green Pastures???

Psalm 23

  The most recited/known passage of the Bible and I've never really paid that much attention to it, until this morning.  The Lord is my shepherd.  Fitting for us followers because sheep are dumb and they don't always do what is best for them.  A shepherd will protect his flock no matter what the cost.  He wants the best for them.  The shepherd can see the wolf coming because that is his job.  He knows where the good pastures and clean waters are because he knows the area.  And the sheep will be safe if they just follow the shepherd - because He knows where he's heading and He has the best interest of the sheep at heart.  The shepherd knows what is best for the flock, whether they need more food, water, rest, etc. and the good shepherd makes sure his flock does not need or want for anything.

  "He makes me lie down in green pastures."  As our guest pastor said this morning, sometimes God puts us in a time-out, and trust me we need it.  He makes us sit back and think so we can learn.  Most of the time this is a painful process because it usually means things are taken away from us or everything seems to be falling apart.  We've all heard that rock bottom is a good place to be because the only direction to go is up, which is true, but that doesn't mean that it won't hurt like hell.  So why would God make us go through this?  There could be many reasons:

1- God demands that He be first in our lives.  Period.  And I think we owe Him that.  And since we're usually stubborn and yes, stupid, it takes a "time-out" to realize that we haven't been putting God first and we need to change that.
2- He truly does have better things prepared for us, we just can't see them yet.  And we're too impatient or focused on the negative to realize there is better coming.
3- It's a growing experience.  We will learn more than we could imagine from the trials we go through and we will be stronger on the other side of the ordeal (even though it may take seemingly forever for us to get there).
4- It's to glorify God and strengthen our testimony.  What if someone in your life/realm of influence is going through a similar situation but they're not a believer and they see your faithfulness through it all?  What if it's to show nonbelievers (and sometimes even believers) just how awesome and powerful our God is?

  Some people may say well this is crappy, I'm not sure I want to go through that.  But the beauty of this part of the passage is, "He makes me lie down in green pastures.  Even though we may be going through a hard time and we can't seem to see any light at the end of the tunnel, God is still providing for us.  He's making us lie down in green, healthy, nutrition filled pastures.  He's not abandoning us in a desert to learn a lesson the hard way.  He puts us in a place where we can be spiritually fed and grow and learn.  He is making us take the time to do that so we can handle whatever life throws at us next.

  So what are your green pastures?  Maybe it's a renewed passion to dive into His word to find comfort in Scripture.  Or maybe you've begun to realize how blessed you are with the family/friends around you.  Or that you can't really control things going on around you so you need to stop trying and let God.  Or maybe you've realized you don't have the strength to keep doing it all, you're at rock bottom and ready to let go - this is where God can really show you how amazing He is.  I'm not just pulling this stuff out of the air, these are all things that I have realized about myself in the past couple of months.  Trust me, it has not been a fun or easy experience.  It hurts - a lot.  And no, I haven't learned all I can learn.  I am still hurting a lot and I am still learning a lot, so this is why this passage and message struck me so hard.

  Look for your green pastures and hold onto them because that is God still providing for you and there is so so so much to learn while you're resting in those green pastures.

Monday, January 30, 2012

We Don't Think Big Enough, Part 3

  Jesus wept.

  Take a minute and really think about that statement.  That's the shortest, most profound statement in the Bible.  I think many people who ready that verse think, "oh well that's kind of cool, he shed a tear."  But this word means to wail loudly, to be racked with sobs.  How can we overlook the profound nature of that statement?  The God of the universe was crying his heart out.  Although there are many different speculations as to why Jesus wept, I like to think it was because He understood the pain of Mary and Martha's loss.  Lazarus was His friend after all.  Jesus understands our pain and heartache.  Does that not blow your mind?!

  Now take that and tie it to the idea of us not dreaming big enough.  If Jesus would weep for our pain and He understands what we're going through, then don't you think He wants the best for us?  Sometimes we have to go through really bad things so we can truly appreciate the best that God has for us.  Think about the testimony Mary and Martha and Lazarus would have after he was raised from the dead.  Think about the lives that were touched because of his resurrection.  Would they have impacted as many people if they didn't have this miraculous story to share?  Yes, there is that possibility, but probably not.  In the next chapter, we see that crowds of people were coming to see Jesus and Lazarus after they heard this amazing story; and in this group were Gentiles.  The word was spreading.  It was no longer only for the Jews.

  Another positive that came from the pain they went through was the fact that they probably cherished and appreciated life and the time they had together more than they had before.  After Lazarus was raised to life, and Jesus was hanging out with His friends (that's cool to think about huh?), Mary anointed Jesus with very expensive perfume by pouring it on his feet and wiping them with her hair.  I like to think this was because Mary was grateful for having her brother back after going through so much pain.  She realized that everything they had gone through was all to glorify God. . .

Friday, January 20, 2012

We Don't Think Big Enough, Part 2

  John 11
  When Jesus arrived in Bethany, many unthinkable things happened.  The first was when Martha went to meet HIm and the conversation that followed.  The first thing Martha says to Jesus is really like an accusation, but it also shows that she understands the power of Jesus.  "If you had been here, my brother would not have died."  Martha knows that Jesus could have saved Lazarus and through her hurt, she knows that Jesus could have stopped her pain, and she tells Him so.  But in this hurt-filled statement, there is also a beauty.  Martha knew and understood that Jesus could heal.  Later, Mary comes out to meet Jesus and says the exact same thing.  In the middle of their pain and loss of their beloved brother, they were still worshipping God.

   So it seems that Mary and Martha are pretty legit right?  They are solid in their faith in God, they are close friends of Jesus, they know He can perform miracles.  So what could they learn from losing their brother, knowing all along that Jesus could have saved Lazarus.  But did they really understand the power of God?

   Both Mary and Martha said, "if you had been here. . ."  They weren't dreaming big enough.  They knew that Jesus was "the Christ, the Son of God who was to come into the world" (v. 27) and that they would see Lazarus again in the resurrection at the last day (v. 24).  But they still weren't dreaming big enough.  We can learn so much from these few verses.  Mary and Martha weren't expecting Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead even though they knew Jesus could have saved him before he died.  Yet they still trusted Jesus.  Even though they didn't know what Jesus was up to, they took Him to Lazarus' tomb when He asked.  They protested when Jesus said for the stone to be rolled away from the tomb, further showing they had no idea what was coming next; but they had the stone moved anyways - because they believed and trusted Jesus.

   We never know exactly what Jesus has planned for us, but when it's a very hard situation it's particularly hard for us to trust in what Jesus is doing in our lives.  But it's in those times that we need to go with what God is telling us, no matter how crazy it may seem.  Mary and Martha led Jesus to their brother's tomb, the place where all their heartache was.  Can you imagine how hard and painful that was for them?  To go to the place where they knew their brother was, but they would never be able to carry on another conversation with him again, and the person who could have prevented all that pain was asking them to reveal it to him all over again.  They didn't know why Jesus wanted to go there or why He wanted the stone rolled away when it was not going to be a pleasant sight.  It was going to be very painful.  But they did it anyways.  And their pain was healed because they trusted in Jesus enough to listen to what He had to say.

   Although Mary and Martha trusted Jesus, there was so much more that He had planned for them that they could never even imagine. . .

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We Don't Think Big Enough, Part 1

   So it's been a very long time since I've blogged about anything and I thought it was time for me to start writing a few more of my thoughts down.  This post is going to take a while to get all the thoughts written out where they make sense so I'm splitting them into several different posts.  Here goes. . .

   One of the greatest mysteries and disconnects between God and man is not that He expects so much of us.  As a matter of fact, it's that God expects so much for us.  We as humans have a hard time understanding that He wants to bless us and to see the best things happen for us.  Jesus didn't come to suffer and die for us so that we could have a mediocre life.  He wants us to have a great life.  Now, that doesn't mean we won't have hardships, because we most certainly will.  

   In John 11, one of the most amazing Bible stories to me occurs.  Jesus is told that Lazarus is sick and is about to die.  The most disturbing part to me personally is that after Jesus hears this, he waited for two days before He went to see Lazarus and his sisters.  Of course, the message has probably come several days after Lazarus first became sick.  And Jesus waited?!  I am most definitely not the most patient person in the entire world and when things are wrong, I want them fixed immediately, so it's hard for me to understand this part.  This was someone Jesus cared about - it says in verse 3 that "Lord, the one you love is sick."  Why would He wait?  Why wouldn't He run to comfort and help this family whom He loved dearly in their time of need?  Why?  Why?  Why?!

  "So God's Son may be glorified through it."  That's what Jesus said.  We all know that Lazarus was raised from the dead later in story, but why didn't Jesus go ahead and heal Lazarus while he was sick instead of waiting until after he died?  Would the disciples have believed in Jesus and HIs ministry as much if Jesus had healed his sickness?  They had seen HIm heal people before, but never had they seen someone raised from the dead after being that way for four days.  Mary and Martha were suffering greatly by this point because of losing their brother.  But when Lazarus is raised from the dead, can you imaging the celebration and joy they had.  Their brother, who they had accepted was gone and they would not see in this life again was back!  And can you imagine how much more precious life and spending time together became after Lazarus was raised from the dead?

  And their faith.  I can't even begin to imagine how their faith grew and deepened after their brother was brought back to them.  But that is a conversation for tomorrow. . .  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Love Better Than Life

Psalm 63:3
  "Because your love is better than life,
     my lips will glorify you."

  So it's been a really long time since I've written anything, so here goes.  These two lines have spoken volumes to me in the past month or so of my absolutely crazy life.  We all learned in elementary school that when using the word "better" we are usually comparing two things.  In this case, it's God's love and life.  Here, the word "life" is the carnal and fleshy life that we as humans live, not the eternal life that we are promised as followers of Christ.  David is making a pretty obvious statement that most people, even Christians, are reluctant to believe.

Are we as humans really willing to admit that the love of God is really better than our lives, even the good parts?

  When I first thought of that question, I thought, "Well duh, that's a no-brainer.  Of course God's love is better than this crazy life I live every day."  But then I got to really thinking about it.  I realized that until a few weeks ago, I could not have honestly said I know God's love was better than every aspect of my life, because I was still holding onto some things.  Even though there were some parts of my life I had given over to God because I couldn't handle them anymore, I was still holding onto some good things.  I was still holding onto my relationships with others, my future plans, and yes even part of my heart so it wouldn't get broken again.  Through a course of events that only God could have set in motion, those things slowly began to unravel before my eyes and slip through my fingers.  

  Now I won't say this was an easy part of my life. . . as a matter of fact, this past summer may have been one of the most difficult periods of my life.  The things I was holding onto weren't bad things at all and I actually thought that they were from God.  But I didn't trust that God had something bigger for me planned.  How awesome is it to realize that the love of God is even greater than the good or even great things of this life!!!

  And that is the reason our lips should glorify God.  He loves us.  He is with us all day, every day.  He actually likes us.  He makes plans for us.  He carries us through tough times.  He lived, died, and rose again - all for us.  And he does all of this even though we don't deserve it, but then He turns around and tells us that we do deserve it because He says so.  He has already defeated this world, so instead of holding onto things, why don't we let Him have them?  They can only get better because His love is better than life!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Greatest Miracle of All

  Psalm 63:2
"I have seen you in the sanctuary
   and beheld your power and your glory."

  So it's taken me a little longer to write this post, mainly because I kept going over it in my mind. When I first read this verse, I immediately began thinking about miracles, because that's how we as humans see His power and glory right?  So then I started thinking, "Well maybe if I'm earnestly seeking God like I've been trying to then I'll see those miracles and be able to see God's power and glory."  But that way of thinking didn't sit right with me.  And then it finally clicked with me this morning at church.  Our pastor was saying that many people ask, "Well where are the miracles?" - much like my thinking.  Then he said, "But don't you get it?  We live in a miraculous age!"  I could practically hear the light bulb ding in my head.  In the old testament and God's covenant to Abraham, God's love was only for the Israelites.  But then, as my pastor said this morning, "God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles and they will listen!"  (Acts 28:28).  So is it a miracle that God loves us?  Um, yes!!!!

  There are so many other things to show us God's power and glory.  We live in an age and a nation where we can still talk about our faith and our God.  Sure, we might get funny looks or shunned, but we have the opportunity.  And yes, I know our free speech and the basic moral values that our country was founded on are dwindling, but they're still there, so why don't we make the most of it?

  The "meat of the matter" is that the miracle, power, and glory of God that everyone is so desperately searching for has already happened and is right in front of our faces.  God loves you and me and everyone else for who are, not what we can do for Him.  And even more miraculous, He wants a REAL RELATIONSHIP with us.  Now I'm not trying to downgrade other miracles, or say that they don't happen.  I've seen car wrecks that no one should have survived, but those involved are walking around now telling people about Jesus. And I was there when my cousin was told her unborn baby was dead, but when she went back the next day for another appointment, her baby was fine and is now a healthy little boy.  You can try to explain those things and other miracles away with science, but bottom line, they are miracles, and they're all around us.  I just think it's sad that so many people (including myself until recently) are looking for some big miracle to know that God is real and He loves them.  The miracle has already happened!  A perfectly-lived life, gruesome crucifixion, a rolled-away stone, and the conquering of the grave are all evidence of the biggest miracle of all - God loves us for just being us!!!